Orange Candy Melon

5 out of 5 (2 reviews)
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5 out of 5 (2 reviews)

Orange Candy is uniquely sweet with a high sugar content and subtle tropical tang, with flavor profiles that set it apart from other varieties. It also has a slight tartness that complements the sweetness, offering that deliciously refreshing taste with a zesty citrus bite. The juicy bright orange pulp and its rich golden-yellow skin makes this a perfectly sweet healthy treat whether sliced, diced, or combined.

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Protected by nature

Long-lasting Freshness



Best for:

This unique melon is ideal on its own, in a fruit salad or with ice-cream and has a flavor profile which is aromatic and as the name would suggest - sweet like candy!

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Store in a cool, dry place

Available Sizes:

500g -700g

Shelf Life:

8-10 Days

Protected by nature

Long-lasting Freshness

